Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Simple Oil and Simple Clay Pore Mask

Now on Essentielle Beauty ( )

As I get ever more into natural beauty products I've started mixing up my own and putting them up (for sale) on Essentielle Beauty.  We really don't know the impact of products that we use on our face or whether the harsher ones are harming us in the long run.

The simple oil, unlike the other oils I've mixed and put on the site, has no essential oils so is gentler.  It has hazelnut, jojoba, kukui nut and avocado.  This oil is powerful, and so full of amazing skin healers, savers, age fighters and the like.  It works on all skin types.

The clay mask is a mix of French and Moroccan clays, plus rose, that clears out pores and absorbs excess oils, naturally.  It is mildly exfoliating.  The rose is one of the most potent skin care ingredients out there.

Try them out!

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