Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Makeup for recovery and success, or, women helping women

I don’t ever appear in public without makeup let alone youtube.  But I want to do a recovery makeover for all those who’ve suffered and are on the upswing.  Entering the world vulnerable is something we all must do sometimes.  To do better.
In my early teens I read Estee Lauder’s biography and in it she said that one sign a woman was recovering from a traumatic event was that she got re-interested in her appearance and bought makeup, especially lipstick.  So estee lauder created the gift with purchase and tried to always include a bright lipstick in any giveaway…to boost her women customer’s self esteem.  I remember that comment always.
            Recently a confluence of events really got to me.  I’d already been wanting to do a video on makeup for recovery.  Young or old, most of us have something to recover from.  Then I saw a cancer patient makeup video in which the patients were surprised and photographed when made over in an over the top manner.  A good start but it misses the everyday impact a more realistic makeover can have.  Tim Draper funded a mom entrepreneur scholarship for his Draper university online program in entrepreneurship, in which I recently participated,  and I was interviewed about it.  Then came the article saying women don’t want to be ceos. 
            Women want to be coes.  Women are ceos.  I’m a survivor too and just not ready to talk about it.  But I did grow up in an abusive home and then slogged it out as a rare female in technology investment banking.  I learned to keep my mouth shut, suck it up and play within the system
            But now I have something to say.  And I’m saying it in makeup.  The products I’ll be using are all from companies founded, run by or – in an excessive way – supporting women’s rights or other rights.  Women ceos and founders.   And I’m naming names.
            How does makeup help us recover and face the world from strength?  Watch and find out.  I’ll keep this somewhat brief as I hate long videos myself.  I have papers to keep my names straight!

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