Wednesday, January 7, 2015

How To Have Great Skin Tips and Tutorial

Assess your skin type: oily, normal, combination or dry?  Don’t just pick the obvious answer as your skin type can vary across your face.

Assess how sensitive your skin is.  Does it respond negatively to a variety of products or their ingredients?

Avoid paraben, alcohol and mineral oil in your face products.  Some people also like to avoid artificial colors and fragrances.

Try various brands to see which ones work best with your skin.

Be religious about removing makeup and cleansing your skin at day end.  Be religious about applying skin care every day.

Stick with a skin care routine.

What you do to your face do to your neck.

Cleanse twice a day, morning and before bed.  Exfoliate one to three times a week.  Use moisturizers after cleansing, including around the eyes.  Pat the moisturizer on.

Use targeted treatment for your skin type or a spot cream if you get a pimple.  For dry sk
in use heavier creams or even oils regularly.  For oily skin use oil control toners and moisturizers.

 Use a mask at least once a week, after exfoliating, and targeted to your skin care needs.

See a dermatologist is your skin doesn’t respond to normal skin care products and treatments.  Sometimes you might need prescription skin care.

If your skin breaks out, let it heal.  Don’t pick and ignore the temptation to pile heavy concealers or foundations on.  Don’t further clog or pores or irritate your skin.

Everyone, no matter how great their skin, occasionally has a skin care issue.  Accept it, and that skin heals, and don’t get stressed out about it.

Eat well, sleep enough and drink lots of water.  I see an immediate difference in my skin if I eat vegetables (or stop).  Vegetable juice is even better.

Once a month let your skin sleep bare, with no product on it.

Don’t avoid oils or moisturizers if you have oily skin.  Sometimes our bodies overcompensate when our skin is moist enough by producing extra oil.  Moisturize even if your skin tends to oiliness.

Some products that say they’re pore reducing actually work.

Aloe is great for soothing irritated skin.

Try never to get a sunburn.

 Oil based cleansers are excellent for removing all makeup and not drying out the skin.  The double cleanse, in which they’re followed up with a water based cleanser, is my favorite way of keeping skin clean.

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