Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Good Morning , Mr. Mandela by Zelda la Grange Book Review

Zelda la Grange worked for Nelson Mandela for over 20 years and grew to not only adore him but also rely on him.  This book is both history - a traditional Afrikaner who believed in Apartheid - grew to believe in Nelson Mandela's case of equality for all in South Africa - and a woman who respected someone with a very special character.

Mandela led by example but could be tough on his staff who didn't take the lesson.  He learned to speak the language of his enemies - literally - and was courteous to all (including his jailers).  Reading the book and seeing a great man behind the scenes I was overawed.  I've known many successful people, including politicians, but none who lived as a better person the way Mandela did.  So many play nice in public but behave badly in private.  Not Mandela.

La Grange is a credible witness to this part of history.  Sometimes I wish she'd added more depth to her insight.  Too often she's driven more by logistics than insight.  But I still very much enjoyed the book and recommend it.

Learning about this great man - really - changed me.

Mandela was a truly great man and la Grange was witness to that greatness.

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